Health & Safety Management System
Committed to working at height
Conformance to all Regulations
South West Cradles on-going Health and Safety management system ensures conformance to all regulations when using lifting equipment and working at height. We are proud to hold a Certificate of Accreditation to CHAS-The Contractors Health & Safety Scheme.
Knowing the importance of keeping in line with legislation we engage third party health and safety experts to assist us and carry out safety audits across our business. We are also members of LASC - London Association of Access Contractors.
Our employees embrace our safe working systems.
At South West Cradles understand the importance of safety when working at height and are committed to meeting health and safety requirements for its employees and customers.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 -
Primary legislation was introduced in the form of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and offers a
general guide to health and safety duties in the workplace.
The Work at Height Regulations 2005 -
The Work at Height Regulations 2005 came into force on 6 April 2005. The Regulations apply to all work
at height where there is a risk of a fall liable to cause personal injury.
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) -PUWER covers any equipment that
is used by an employee at work. This includes man riding and non-man riding lifting equipment.
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment 1998 (LOLER) -
LOLER covers the legal requirements in relation to lifting equipment.
BS 5974:2010
Code of practice for the planning, design, setting up and use of temporary suspended access equipment
-Temporarily suspended access equipment (TSAE) support or contain workers working at height
on engineering and construction sites. BS 5974 gives guidance and recommendations on installing
(erecting, altering and dismantling), maintaining, examining and using TSAE in a safe manner. It also
sets out the responsibilities of all staff involved in working with TSAE.
BS EN 1808:1999+A1:2010-
European Standard which specifies the safety requirements on suspended access equipment. Design
calculations, stability criteria, construction. Tests It is applicable to both permanent and temporary
equipment which may be powered or hand operated
BS 6037-1:2003 - Code of practice for the planning, design, installation and use of permanently
installed access equipment. Suspended access equipment
Should you require a more comprehensive explanation, do not hesitate to call
Health & Safety documents available to download:-